Actually the best way to dive offshore NJ is with a dive club, many charter the boat and get better prices than a walk on or with your LDS.
Once the Atlantic warms up a tad some of us will be doing Shark River, watch here for dates.
I assume you’ll be at Beneath the Sea next month, I won’t this year, I’ll be diving :)
Im in North Jersey and would be interested in some local diving when it warms up a bit.
Hello I am DJ, saw your post and always looking for dive buddies. But some tips for NJ dives. You should try getting your advance open water, because most dives off boats are past 60 ft. You will need a pony bottle at least on most boats. And some boats rather you go with a buddy or Dive master your first time. I dive reel so you dont get lost. Feel free to send me a message or invite for more info.
I’m from northern NJ, and I primaryily dive NJ Wrecks. I do dive Dutch Springs for training and practice usually before the wreck season starts. I’m looking to dive dutch spring sunday april 7th if your interested. Its time to knock off the winter rust. I’m already booked to dive the Mohawk early may off of the gypsy blood. You are more than welcomed to join me. Either at Dutch Springs or wreck diving. Bryan