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Saturday, August 25 Dutch Spring Buddy wanted
Amir - 8/22/2018 10:43 AM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 4

I am looking for buddies to dive at Dutch Spring on Saturday
just certified in 12/2017.
I have all equipment except i am currently renting tanks from Dutch Spring (aluminum 80 )

CO_Diver - 8/24/2018 10:23 AM
Hi - I plan on going to Dutch on Saturday (8/25) and could also use a buddy!

I plan on being there at 8:30 am on the peninsula side and doing at least 2 dives.

Please let me know if you want to buddy up!


badintexas - 8/24/2018 11:48 AM
I’m so jealous. When we lived up north, we went to Dutch Springs often. I miss it now that we are in good ol Texas. I hope ya’ll can meet and be buddies!
Amir - 8/24/2018 12:12 PM
Hi Chris,
You are welcome an another diver his name DJ probably will join us.
I am planing to be there to pick up my tanks from DS.
Not ready for deep dive I have to fix BCD weight and Buoyancy. Let me know if that okay with you
CO_Diver - 8/24/2018 4:27 PM
Hey Amir - I just wanna visit the underwater sites...Trolly, cessna, challenger, school bus, etc. We shouldn’t have to go deeper than 18 meters or so. I have much experience and can assist with your weights and buoyancy if you like. We can meet in Peninsula area. I will try to park there. I have a maroon Honda Accord -NY plates. Ill be there no later than 8:30 am. If you can’t find me, my cell number is (845) 591-7492. I look forward to diving with you and DJ!

Too bad the guy from Texas can’t join us!!

Thank you,

- Chris