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Cozumel— What’s your experience?
Alloy6351 - 8/14/2017 11:23 PM
Category: General
Replies: 8

Going to Cozumel in October, and I’d love to hear your opinions, thoughts, or any advice you can offer.

The island, dive sites, great places to eat, anything really-

Of course I want to see, and do it all.. but I’m only visiting for 7 days.

Thank you all!
SocialScubaGirl - 8/15/2017 12:37 PM
Coz is one of my favorite dive destinations. Have been there 3 years in a row with my dive club members. We stayed at Cozumel Palace all inclusive resort. Nice place, great service. 3 restaurants. Approximately $1,300, diving included. It’s a group rate. We are thinking putting together a group for the first week of April, 2018. Let me know if you are interested.
SocialScubaGirl - 8/15/2017 12:38 PM
Forgot to tell, 8 days 7 nights for about $1,300.
SocialScubaGirl - 8/15/2017 12:40 PM
Also, magnificent diving in cenotes.
Wydoin - 8/15/2017 6:08 PM
Like others Coz is my favorite place to dive. I dove with Scuba Du. The wall dives are exceptional!! If you go ask to dive your 2nd on El Cedral (The Cathedral). Most diving in Coz is drift. The current carries carries you along at a nice pace so all you have to do is enjoy the view for the most part. Your first dive will be dropped off in about 40/50ft of ultra white sand and coral gardens, then swim to the edge and over the WALL! If your lucky the dive master will find some swim throughs toward the end. Awesome Place! Have Fun!😃
Wydoin - 8/15/2017 6:18 PM
Food wise the place you must eat is Casa Mission. Coconut Shrimp is spectacular!! And don’t forget to order "Sexy Coffee" at the end!!!
Roger P.
Smithsgold - 8/15/2017 10:20 PM
My Favorite Dive site in Cozumel !!!!!

Cozumel Wreck C-53,General Felipe Xicotencatl Sept 2009

I must need to go diving because I’ve been looking at Dive videos on Youtube all day !!!

This is my Short Video of the C-53 from Sept 2009

Hope you enjoy

Smithsgold - 8/15/2017 10:22 PM
another short video from when we went to Cozumel
