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NC Scuba Vehicle Tags Available!!
mukashi - 3/09/2007 9:32 AM
Category: General
Replies: 1

North Carolina finally has a Scuba license tag. I ordered mine today and it should arrive next week. I have an example of the tag in the photos of my page. You can also go here: It is a really cool plate, so spread the word. I would like to know if any other states have a similar plate. If you know of one, drop me a line! Have a great day!! William
jeff98208 - 3/09/2007 2:33 PM
the washington scuba alliance is working on something along that line just for us divers. they are thinking of something like an octopus with the dan flag and colors or just the dan flag. i can`t wait untill they get something out. n.c. has a cool design though, i like it!