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diver jobs
FloridaRay - 6/20/2016 9:47 AM
Category: Jobs
Replies: 4

anyone know of any entry level scuba jobs available? seaworld, florida aquariums, disney, law enforcement diver? nothing crazy like under water welding or cold water diving. looking to make a career out of doing what I love, but it seems like there arent many lavish dive jobs unless you move to the islands.
LatitudeAdjustment - 6/20/2016 10:39 AM
"Seaworld, Florida aquariums" or any other aquariums are usually volunteers. Not sure about Disney. NASA pays safety divers but there’s probably a waiting list for that plum. Have you looked at

Being a public safety diver for law enforcement in Florida sounds like fun, no viz canals with gators :(

Most diveboats in Florida are crewed by divers working for tips and free air although i do know a DM who said it paid better than being a school teacher :)
tardmaster - 6/20/2016 1:40 PM
I’m a safety diver for the movie and tv industry. I require my divers to be rescue or higher. Every production company that I have worked with has that same requirement.

Good luck !!!
WarmWaterTurner - 6/22/2016 4:01 PM
If you live near a marina - divers are always scrubbing bottoms and changing zincs. I just paid $600.00 for new zincs and to scrub my 45’ trawler.