A Little TRICK from Valentina!
DiveGirl55 - 7/04/2008 8:15 PM
Category: General
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I discovered 4 years ago these FABULOUS SURFING socks by BODY GLOVE, that I decided for ’fun’ to wear in my dive boots. WELL, let me tell you...

When I got out of the 54 degree Pacific Ocean in mid fall, most of me was numb, my hands in 5mm gloves were numb, BUT my feet in the 7mm boots and SOCKS were WARM!

In fact, when I took the boots off, and go to pull the socks off...THERE HAD TO BE AT LEAST A CUP OF WATER TRAPPED IN THE SOCKS AND IT WAS AT LEAST 75-78 DEGREES AS poured it out on the ground!!!!

For some reason, these socks, trapped water perfectly and warmed it so well and so fast, that had it not been for the socks, I would have been done at 2 dives instead of 3!!!

The funny thing is, that they are for SURFING! But wimpy me, bought them just to add to my warmth and now I always pack these space saving (and feet saving) socks!

Unlike a wetsuit that retains water, but changes it out when you pee with new cold water, the water in these socks continually stayed VERY WARM!

Just FYI for those women out there...you know who you are! lol and of course men too who get cold.