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Blue Springs July 18th, Who wants to come dive? #Central Florida
TheMythicalCaveFill - 7/08/2015 11:11 AM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 36

I’m trying to get a few people together for Blue Springs on Saturday July 18th. Its best to get there at 7 so we are in at 8 before it gets busy. I am only OW certified so I won’t be going deeper than my limit and I would like to get two maybe three dives in that day. (2 down the hole and one on the drift to the swimming area.) So that keeps my bottom time to about 10 to 15 min. I think I have one other person who is AOW and wants to go to 100’ So if we can get a few more so maybe us who don’t venture into the dark and stick together and the AOW divers can swim down. Anyone who wants to go let me know.
lberezny - 7/09/2015 5:11 AM
I’d love to go; I’m only open water certified too. Do you know what it costs to dive there and what rental fees are?
TheMythicalCaveFill - 7/09/2015 5:19 AM
You only have to pay the entry fee its $6, they don’t have rental gear there. you would need to rent gear from your local dive shop.
tampajonathan24 - 7/09/2015 7:07 AM
Sounds Fun. Is the 18 of July the only date you can go? I have always wanted to dive there just cant find anyone to make the Trek. I ask because Im in the Keys that weekend:(
TheMythicalCaveFill - 7/09/2015 7:15 AM
I live about 30min from blue springs, I’ve dove there a few times before. So I can schedule another trip if you want to make the drive over some time. The springs close to diving in the late fall through winter and open again in march due to Manatees. I’m free about every other weekend, but of course that’s subject to change.
xracr96 - 7/09/2015 4:07 PM
I might be open. Will check the calendar tonight.
xracr96 - 7/09/2015 7:34 PM
I will likely be joining you guys. 1 or 2 tank day? AL80s?
TheMythicalCaveFill - 7/09/2015 7:43 PM
From xracr96: 1 or 2 tank day? AL80s?

Thats a good question, my thoughts were just a 1 tank day. If everyone else wants to dive 2 I’ll rent 2. I’m thinking I’ll be on a steel 100 of EANx32.
TheMythicalCaveFill - 7/09/2015 8:03 PM
ok, 2 Tank Day it is.

I’ll just get the Steel100 and a 80 with EANx32

Three divers so far, who else is down?
Curtis - 7/10/2015 12:00 PM
I may be game, go to work @ 4:00 PM, so can dive til about 1:30.

I’m cave, but Blue is a fun dive, so very willing to dive OW limits. If anyone would like to do some Cavern level there sometime, preferably on a weekday, contact me.

My doubles would allow about 5 "standard" dives on one fill.

To #27, its just park entry fee, then register as a dive group. No tanks or fills on site.

xracr96 - 7/10/2015 12:04 PM
#27? The number is a rating on how active the member is on divebuddy.

I will probably bring 2 80s. Maybe a lp95 if the lds has one left.
TheMythicalCaveFill - 7/10/2015 12:07 PM
Alright, Curtis let us know! The one diver who I know is joining us but isn’t posting here likes to dive to 100’ so if you join us he will have a deep water buddy.
TheMythicalCaveFill - 7/10/2015 12:17 PM
As to why I’m bringing bigger tanks (100cfm) is because I use a lot of air.
xracr96 - 7/10/2015 1:20 PM
Its showing that they open at 8am on their site.
TheMythicalCaveFill - 7/10/2015 1:29 PM
Yes, they open the gate at 8, however there is always a line to get in. The diver limit is 40 at a time I have always met my group at the gate at 7, this ensures that our group gets in without having to wait for divers to leave. I’ll be there at about 7, we should plan on getting there as early as everyone can. We also can’t sign in until the whole group is there.
xracr96 - 7/10/2015 1:44 PM
Gotcha. Was wondering if you knew the drill. I usually go on the weekdays. Much quieter then, so we never had to deal with the 40 diver limit.
TheMythicalCaveFill - 7/10/2015 1:47 PM
From xracr96: Gotcha. Was wondering if you knew the drill. I usually go on the weekdays. Much quieter then, so we never had to deal with the 40 diver limit.

No worries!
Curtis - 7/10/2015 10:25 PM
Fast comment, AOW does not get 100 FFW @ Blue, Cavern or Cave does, as it requires lights or "blind diver specialty".

I am very familiar with the system, have over 100 dives logged to the Cork Rock. One of my cave buddies and I used to go there about twice a month for over two years, it’s our closest spring, very useful for checking new gear (and new buddies ;-) ).
Curtis - 7/10/2015 10:29 PM
> #27? The number is a rating on how active the member is on divebuddy.

Oops, learned something new, guess I should have not been in a hurry, was a response to Liz.
mangoman1 - 7/11/2015 11:52 PM
Wish I could join in on this dive. Great fun diving at Blue Springs. Buddy & I dove there in June. Please remain within your training limits as at least 2 OW divers have died there within the past 2 years. I’m Cavern and my buddy is Cave cert. Here’s my video.
TheMythicalCaveFill - 7/12/2015 2:24 PM
From Curtis: Fast comment, AOW does not get 100 FFW @ Blue, Cavern or Cave does, as it requires lights or "blind diver specialty".

ok, all I know is what was said to me.

have you decided to join us?
xracr96 - 7/12/2015 5:03 PM
Make sure to RSVP if your joining us.
Curtis - 7/12/2015 9:35 PM
> ok, all I know is what was said to me.

NP, the rules you agree to, initial & sign at check-in should remove any doubts about what is appropriate.

> have you decided to join us?
> Make sure to RSVP if your joining us.

Will do, am leaning towards it, commit or decline by Thurs early AM (Wed late night).

TheMythicalCaveFill - 7/15/2015 1:54 PM
Alright everyone who wants to join us, Please RSVP to the event. I will PM my phone number to everyone who does so that you have it in case its needed. Don’t forget to visit your dive shop to get your tanks filled or to go rent your gear by Friday night because we are starting too early for shops to be open on Saturday.
xracr96 - 7/16/2015 10:12 PM
Remember to get your tanks filled before arriving. No fill stations onsite.

What’s our plan to meet up? Is there a gas station just outside? I don’t remember there being much parking at the gate to get together.
xracr96 - 7/16/2015 10:18 PM
Just reread everything. Looks like meeting at the gate works.
TheMythicalCaveFill - 7/19/2015 7:36 PM
It was a good time Saturday, thanks to all of you for joining me. I hope you all had fun.
Curtis - 7/19/2015 9:53 PM
Had a good time, even if a tad tired. Hope all enjoyed the day. I’d dive with any of you again, we should try another get-together. Another location might be good, and if anyone can do a weekday all the better.
xracr96 - 7/23/2015 11:50 AM
Yes it was a fun trip. I can do weekdays with a couple days notice. Agreed on another location. Something a little more open would be nice.
xracr96 - 7/23/2015 3:59 PM
You guys up for anything this weekend? Was thinking about Blue Heron Bridge or a dive charter down that way.

BHB is a shore dive and would begin around 3:30pm. Only cost is the tank (air)/gear.

Also found Jupiter Dive Charters at 8:30am Saturday. United Caribbean Wreck dive. 60’ at the top down to 75’. Should be a 2 tank dive. $65 for boat and should be $15 for tank. $5 tip. Roughly $105 total.

Maybe do one or both? Thoughts?

I don’t mind driving, but can only fit 1 more in my small car due to carrying gear. Both sites are 20 minutes from each other.
TheMythicalCaveFill - 7/23/2015 4:02 PM
I can’t this weekend due to it being my weekend with my son. But it sounds like fun.
mangoman1 - 7/24/2015 9:25 AM
We’re headed south to Jupiter area on Sunday for a week of diving. First planned dive is Mon eve at BHB and a night dive there on Thur. We want to dive w/Jupiter Dive Charters on Wed(1st day of lobster mini season) and are looking at other options like Captn. Sl8tr(dive for $55 on Fri), beach diving in Ft, Pierce area.
As far as the United Caribbean Wreck, the only 1 I know of is down off of Pompano whereas BHB is about
1 hr drive north of there and Jupiter is another 30-45min north of BHB. All are great choices though!
Curtis - 7/25/2015 7:57 AM
I’m actually available for Tue & Wed the 28th & 29th, but have absolutely no interest in dealing with mini-season.
TheMythicalCaveFill - 7/25/2015 8:12 AM
Isn’t mini season only Thursday and Friday?
Curtis - 7/25/2015 10:43 AM
Wednesday and Thursday.