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Transition from single al80 back inflate to double back mount faber lp95’s!?
NORTHEAST - 10/05/2014 9:21 PM
Replies: 8

Hi I’ve been diving a single setup with my oms 45lb with a ss b/p and a al80. I going to start going down the road of tec diving. So with my budget I put together my first tec rig. I have a oms 60lb dual bladder bungee wing on a ss b/p. double faber lp 95’s 3aa which are bricks! First stages are mares mr42’s din with mares psi gauge and two mares abyss navy second stages. I’m also going to be diving this rig with my drysuit(DUI CF200). So with that all being said here is my question it’s very simple. From your experience how is the transition from a single set to doubles? If you were me what would you do first, how would you do it, and is there anything I should add right off the bat? I’d really appreciate your feed back
Eric_R - 10/06/2014 7:17 AM
I’ll second the instructor.
NORTHEAST - 10/06/2014 5:53 PM
Wow I wouldent have thought it would feel this differnt. Anyway thanks for all your help. But do you guys have any idea how much weight I should start off with along side of my double lp 95s.
NORTHEAST - 10/06/2014 7:43 PM
I am 5’10" and I’m 215lbs. I’ve never dive a lp95. And unfortunately I don’t have a pool that I can dive in and my quarry is a quick drop off to 60 right off the edge if the waters and I don’t have enough money for a instructor. Do you think this is to dangerous to do on my own. And how big of a tail weight are we talking.
NORTHEAST - 10/06/2014 8:19 PM
At 5’10" did I make a poor decision buying lp95’s for trim reason or is my height still doable.
MDW - 1/25/2015 3:23 PM
I’m pretty sure you already have several dives on those 95s by now, but I’m 5’10" and never found there to be a problem with 95s (or 108s or AL80s or even short HP80s). The key is not to mount them too high on your back. Move the bands all the way up so the tanks ride lower and use the lower holes in your plate (if there are 2 set of holes).

I suggest (if you have not already) you play with them in shallow water or on the platform until you get them adjusted just right and can stay in trim without finning. Then it’s time to practice swimming with them. Staying horizontal is key with big fat doubles on your back, so master that and the rest of your transition will go smoothly.

Happy to help you work out the kinks with your new doubles if you want to come out to Dutch Springs starting in April.