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Dive Buddy for Playa de Cocos, Costa Rica Dec 8-15
NEWBERN - 11/04/2013 9:00 PM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 2


I’ve rented a 2-bd condo in Plays de Cocos Dec 8-15. I’m flying in on the 8th and taking an Interbus to the beach. On the beach. Share costs of rental.
badintexas - 11/15/2013 11:42 AM
I was so excited to look for a dive buddy on here for you and return with all kinds of replies. Unfortunately, it looks like that area hasn’t realized that DIVEBUDDY.COM is awesome. We need to get them on here for future divers to have buddys also! Could I send you some stickers to pass out to divers or dive shops that you may see while there? If so, send me a private message with your address and I’ll get those out to you ASAP!! :O)
NEWBERN - 12/02/2013 5:18 AM
yikes! just now seeing this.

send private email to and I’ll send address. I leave Sat so we have time