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Greenport Jetties - NY
hkench - 10/06/2013 12:10 PM
Category: General
Replies: 2

Has anyone dove here? I’m looking to launch my zodiac from the town ramp 1/2 mile east, and motor on over. Beach the boat, and check out the jetty. Just looking for input, suggestions, dangers, etc...
UWnewbee - 10/07/2013 11:28 AM
RichKeller - 10/09/2013 3:03 PM
I have been there a couple of times. I suited up in the parking lot you want to launch from and walked over once. The other time I kayaked over from a different location. The east side of the jetty is the deepest and the only thing you want to do is dive it at high slack tide when you are going around the tip of the jetty as the water can rip through there.