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Long Island NY Dive Buddy Needed
hkench - 8/13/2013 6:11 PM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 5

Finally got my certification dives done and bought all of my gear (minus tank)!
I’m looking for somebody to make an easy dive with.
Anybody want to take a rookie for a dive?
hkench - 8/14/2013 7:24 AM
I didn’t see that, thanks,.
LatitudeAdjustment - 8/19/2013 7:09 AM
That’s something I never understood, why NJ, NYC and LI divers with an ocean at their doorstep drive up to Dutch or Willow Springs.

My son went for his cert at a now long gone Brick NJ dive shop and for their open water dives drove all the way out to Bainbridge Pa. which was way too cold for newbies. Many did that dive, frooze their buns and never dove again :(

There are plenty of protected shore dives at the shore that are perfect for testing new gear or practicing skills, they are not as deep as Dutch but there is more to see. We are getting to that time of year when the tropicals get spit out of the Gulfstream and end up in our shallows.

The only plus to Pa. quarries is you don’t need to fresh water rinse your gear after the dive.