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Diving the Ozark Pensacola Florida/Gulf Coast Area
BMoore_Naui_Ins - 11/14/2007 11:04 AM
Replies: 3

Anyone out there dove the wreck called the Ozark off NW Florida gulf coast? I know this is a pretty deep dive ...around the 300ft range but it is supposedly covered in fish. Just wondering if anyone out there has hit this site and what it was like.
OcalaJim - 11/14/2007 11:30 AM
I don`t dive deep, but, I did some research for you and found some images here: AUE Trip Report (Ozark). Here is a briefing, too: Doesn`t look like a whole lot of people have reached this one!
BMoore_Naui_Ins - 11/14/2007 12:43 PM
Thanks for the info. Definitely a deep one and not for the faint of heart..but could be done successfuly. I have been to the bottom of the Oriskany..214 for a short period but this is a full 100ft deeper!
OcalaJim - 11/14/2007 5:00 PM
yeah - 330ft is a bit much for me! i just got my Advanced Open Water after diving for 3-1/2 years with Open and Nitrox. I`m buying my technical equipment right now to get me into the Advanced Nitrox, Deco, Trimix, etc... but 330ft is still tooooooo far down for me ;)