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The best North East quarry diving
AOW_dude - 9/12/2010 11:12 PM
Category: Survey
Replies: 28

I’d say it might as well be Dutch. Then again, what do I know, I didn’t see all of ’em, but I bet members did as a group. (I know, I only listed PA sites, my excuse is I live here and a survey only allows for 5 options).
JerseyJim - 7 days 3 hours ago.
[Choose #1] I understand it’s closed to the general public, but 15 years ago our freedive club had season passes every year. took me 2 hours to drive there. would often stay overnight in the motorhome on weekends. gGreat place.
reefrider772 - 3/22/2011 10:21 PM
[Choose #5] I got certified at Dutch Springs in 2003 and it blew then and it probably blows now
SeacoastNH - 11/18/2010 3:38 AM
[Choose #1] Only one Ive dove so far...
OUBobcat - 10/03/2010 6:14 PM
[Choose #5] Gilboa
John_giu - 9/29/2010 6:07 AM
[Choose #1] I have only been to Dutch Springs should I try these others?
MDW - 9/22/2010 7:28 AM
[Choose #1] I voted for DS because it is most convenient. Willow is like diving in coffee, but with season pass you can dive any night and all year. Never been to BB or GG. Wish Wabank would reopen. Also, heard good thinks about Brownstone (in CT, not PA).
kmhenderson16 - 9/14/2010 8:36 AM
[Choose #5] Gilboa Quarry, Findley, OH
tshark - 9/13/2010 6:08 PM
[Choose #5] none they are all too cold!
LatitudeAdjustment - 9/13/2010 2:43 PM
[Choose #5] I know it’s not a quarry but have you done the train wreck in Delaware Water Gap?