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Birthday Vacation
timengle - 6/06/2011 6:37 PM
Category: Travel
Replies: 7

Hello All,

I am looking to plan a dive vacation for my birthday in late November or December. I have narrowed down my choices to Little Cayman, The Philippines, and Fiji. I would like your input on all of these to be able to make a good decision. This will be my first warm water trip, so I want it to be a good one.
m_grieco - 6/07/2011 9:08 AM
My two cents is if you can dive in south east Asia, take it. Although I have not personally gone to the Philippines, I have been to Indonesia, and other dive locales can compare to the overall abundance of life and diversity of life (both fish and corals) you’ll find in that part of the world.. I vote for the Philippines.
LatitudeAdjustment - 6/07/2011 9:16 AM
Well don’t do Fiji first, you will get jaded and not want to dive the others!
Rich-D-Fish - 6/07/2011 4:38 PM
Hey Tim! Buddy, I’m fine with any of the choices. You can just surprise me with a plane ticket in the mail ;-)
Zig - 6/08/2011 8:56 AM
I noticed that you enjoy taking a few pictures while diving. Well, regardless if you shoot pics or not, check out this great website that has reviews on many of the vacation destinations you’re considering. Have a great time!

seagurl - 6/17/2011 11:05 PM
im with Michael Grieco... Philippines :-D... coz its my place hehehe
wiilyv - 6/24/2011 1:04 AM
The Philippines! We have 7,107 islands, lots of choices :-)
DiveEtte - 9/30/2016 12:32 PM
FIJI!!! Awesome wonderful !!
1st warm water😱. Oh my. You won’t do cold again!
Do figi then NZ the great barrier. Just my suggestion! Been there done and fabulous!

Want do a quickie before and dash to 2nd best reef and go to Belize with me’ 😘