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Cudjoe Key RV Dive Trip April 22
Event Date Fri, April 1, 2022 - Sun, April 10, 2022
Event Location 701 Spanish Main Drive, Cudjoe Key, FL
Event Price Venture Out, pay own expenses, we have boat with room for a couple extra people.
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CapnAl - View Member Calendar
Category: Dive Trip
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This is a High School spring break trip for my son Luke and I. We travel in a RV pulling our dive boat and will be spending the week at Venture Out on Cudjoe Key and diving from Looe Key to Key West. Luke and I have made basically this same trip several times and it is a great time and great diving as long as the weather cooperates. This area has the added advantage that you can spend the days that the seas are too rough in Key West, as Cudjoe is only about 30 minutes away. Venture out has both RV sites and condos that are basically park model RV’s you can rent through VRBO or Venture Out’s Waterfront Keys Realty, We have room for a couple other people in our boat and don’t charge for that, it’s just for fun at this point. Let me know if you want more info.