•All Inclusive Deluxe Cabana & Diving D/O = 10 spaces: $1401 full price OR $1359 cash discounted price
•All Inclusive Deluxe Cabana & Diving S/O = 5 spaces: $1641 full price OR $1591 cash discounted price
•All Inclusive Deluxe Cabana NON-Diver D/O = 2 spaces: $1162 full price OR $1127 cash discounted price
•All Inclusive Deluxe Cabana NON-Diver S/O = 1 spaces: $1402 full price OR $1361 cash discounted price
•7 nights 5 days 3 tank boat diving
•Unlimited Shore diving & Night Shore Diving
•Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner including Beverages with your meals (served buffet style)
•All Drinks including water, soda, juice, house wine, domestic beers & domestic liquors
•Transfers from Airport to the resort and back
•Air fills, tanks, lead and weight belt
•Lockers for gear (don’t need individual locks)
•Welcome Beverage upon arrival & group orientation meeting after last group of divers arrive
•Communication Center in Lobby for Ongoing Event Updates
•Costume Contest with Huge Prizes - Yes it will be a FULL BLOWN ROATAN BASH THEMES and we’ll have prizes for the best Costumes and the MOST ORIGINAL Costumes!!! So get creative!!!
•FREE Events & Workshops courtesy of the Partner sponsoring each week including DIVING YOGA, DIVING HEALTH & DIVING WELLNESS!!! Feel better and enjoy our sport more!
•FREE CONCERTS by Pup The Scuba Cowboy!!!