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New York Underwater Photographic Society
Event Date Mon, August 15, 2016 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Event Location 365 W 34th St, New York, NY
Event Price $0
Working as a cameraman on an underwater television show might seem like a dream job—traveling to exotic locations, photographing the most desired marine animals, and watching your work “wow” millions of viewers each week.

Ok—so it is basically a dream job. But there’s also lots more going on behind the scenes to put together an Emmy-winning television program. Just ask Todd Kelly, a cameraman for the incredibly popular program “Jonathan Bird’s Blue World.”

The August meeting of NYUPS (August 15th) will feature a presentation from Kelly titled “The Making of an Underwater Themed Television Show.” He’ll begin by showing off some of his best cinematography from a recent segment of “Jonathan Bird’s Blue World.”

Then, Todd will discuss the behind the scenes aspects that make the show possible. Particular attention will be paid to what it takes to make a successful underwater show and reach a mass audience. Challenges, equipment, pitfalls and markets will all be discussed as well as a Q&A session at the end.

As with all NYUPS events, the August meeting is free to attend and all are encouraged to come and share in the experience. We look forward to sharing some food, drinks and photography on August 15th.

About the Presenter:
Todd, a.k.a. “Camera Man Todd” , is an multiple Emmy Award-winning underwater cinematographer. He has been a part of the Blue World Team since 2009, serving as both cameraman and General Counsel.

Todd’s diving experience began in1979 in a lake in Pelham, New Hampshire. A few years later he received his open water certification at age twelve. He spent many years in the film and video industry writing software for use in special effects and film editing. He has worked with many Academy Award winning special effects houses and contributed software tools used in throughout the industry.


August 15th, 2016
7-9 PM

Alpha Fusion Restaurant
(34 Between 8 and 9th Ave.)
365 W 34th St, New York, NY 10001

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