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New York Underwater Photographic Society
Event Date Mon, July 18, 2016 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Event Location 365 W 34th St, New York, NY
Event Price $0
For most people, summertime means bar-b-que, camping, and trips to the beach. For underwater photographers and divers, it is all about big animals.

During the summer months, there are whale sharks and manta rays off the coast of Mexico. In Tonga, humpback whales gather by the dozens. And just a short drive up the road, you can swim with blue and mako sharks in Rhode Island.

In honor of all of these seasonal sights, the July NYUPS meeting (Monday, July 18th) will be themed “Big Animal Bonanza.” First, there will be a presentation focused on helping improve your big animal photography. We will look at some of the techniques for capturing top-notch shots, as well as the planning and logistics for finding big animals.

Then, we want to see your favorite recent big animal images- sharks, whales, manta rays, crocodiles, dolphins, or anything else that you can think of! We know NYUPS members have some sweet shots of the big boys and girls of the ocean.

The ideal width of your images should be 1000 pixels, with individual file sizes being no larger than 1 MB. Please email no more than 10 big animal images to Joe Tepper at Joe@DivePhotoGuide with the subject line “NYUPS Images—Big Animals.”

If you would like to submit videos, please bring them to the meeting as Quicktime files on flash drive. Videos should be clips less then 5 minutes each.

Please submit images by the evening of July 17th.

We look forward to sharing some drinks, food, and amazing underwater images at Alpha Fusion on Monday, July 18th!


July 18th, 2016
7-9 PM

Alpha Fusion Restaurant
365 W 34th St, New York, NY 10001
(212) 279-8887

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