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Avoiding Ear Injuries in Scuba Diving
Event Date Thu, June 25, 2015 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Event Location 228 Washington Avenue, Little Ferry, NJ
Event Price No Cost
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Tonight’s presentation by Sharon Ventura

"Avoiding Ear Injuries in Scuba Diving"

Also on the Agenda
• Travel and Poll results for Who wants to Dive the Cayman Islands
• "What have we been upto" Several staffers trekked down to N.C. to dive the U-Boat 352 and they have video to prove it
• "Total Recall" Several new programs to Rekindle and Enkindle the Divers spirit in all of us.
• 1.877.Edu, Dive course Spring Schedule
• What’s New at the dive Shop, New Dive Equipment line arriving this month. BC’s , Regulator and Dive Computers