Great Giant Sea Bass Count 2015
Sat, August 1, 2015 - Sun, August 16, 2015
Santa Barbara
How many Giant Sea Bass are there in Southern California?
Help us find out August 1-16th!
Giant sea bass (AKA Black Sea Bass), Stereolepis gigas, were almost fished out nearly 50 years ago in Southern California. While they are now starting to make a comeback, we don’t know how many of them there are. The Great Giant Sea Bass Count is one way to estimate the minimum number of these fish in our waters. Join us in this important part of a joint research project between researchers at the University of California, Santa Barbara and California State University, Northridge to learn more about Giant Sea Bass populations
What to do:
1. Dive any location in Southern California
2. Avoid covering the same area twice during your dive so you don’t count the same fish
3. For each dive record:
- Date and start time
- Location: latitude and longitude of your dive or the
name of the dive site
- Number of giants seen and the estimated lengths
- Bottom time
- Depth
-Habitat: all or mostly rock, sand, mud, lots, some, or no
4. Report your findings! Even if you do not see any Giant Sea Bass.
Zeroes are important information for science!
Report your findings by clicking the link below:
Giant Sea Bass Count 2015
Or go to Click "Projects", search for the "The Great Giant Sea Bass Count", and click "Participate"
Email findings or questions to
Happy counting!