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Diving Keys
Event Date Thu, March 12, 2015 - Sun, March 15, 2015
Event Location Key West, FL
Event Price free / pay for your own stuff.

mutineer1 - View Member Calendar
Category: Dive Trip
Comments: 1
I will be driving from Ft Myers to the keys on Thursday, main purpose to do some dives, secondary purpose to drink a couple beers in Key West, hoping to do at least one lobster dive. Thinking maybe in Islamorada. Would consider meeting up with others while down there, or taking along a passenger or two.

Message me if you have any interest and we can work things out. Need to head back on Sunday. Open to suggestions.


TwistedRik - 3/11/2015 11:06 PM
So close, and yet so far. Cruising out of Miami Sunday. Diving in Nassau, Grand Turk and St. Thomas.

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