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Discover Rebreather Diving at Gilboa Quarry
Event Date Sat, June 21, 2014 5:00 PM - Sun, June 22, 2014 3:30 PM
Event Location Gilboa, OH
Event Price $85.00
Contact Information Aquatic Adventures of MI @ 810-225-9868 | More Info

AAofMI01 - View Member Calendar
Category: Other Event
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Discover the quiet, comfortable, bubbleless diving of a closed circuit rebreather. Rebreathers provide warm, moist breathing air at consistently optimum nitrox levels allowing for extended bottom times. The Poseidon Mark VI is the first and simplest to use closed circuit rebreather designed specifically for the recreational diver. Its automation and simple display make it easy to operate.

So, come and join us for an opportunity to try out a Poseidon Mark VI closed circuit rebreather at Gilboa Quarry on June 21 and 22, 2014. You will receive an orientation to closed circuit diving, with specific focus on the Poseidon Mark VI, and an explanation of how rebreather diving differs from open circuit diving. After that, once you are geared up and ready, you will enjoy a dive in the quarry accompanied by a certified rebreather instructor. Just bring your mask, fins, and appropriate thermal protection, and we will provide the rest.

Join the rebreather revolution!

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