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Philippines group trip
Event Date Mon, November 18, 2013 - Fri, December 6, 2013
Event Location Central, Mimaropa, Philippines
Event Price Five days diving in Dumaguete $1,221, one week on Live-aboard $2600, one week in Anilao $929
Contact Information Carl at

DiverCarlos - View Member Calendar
Category: Dive Trip
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We have just a few spaces left on this incredible trip to the Philippines. The trip starts in Manila on Monday November 18 where we head down to Dumaguete for five nights at the Atlantis luxury dive resort. All meals and five dives a day are included and we will also have two ful day trips to Apo Island and Siquijor which are both spectacular. Atlantis has a full serice spa onsite and we get a complimentary massage with our package. We will also get to experience a fluorescent night dive and it is something you will never forget. Price is $1,221.
On Saturday November 23 you can board tha Azores luxury live-aboard for a week around several islands in the Bohol-Cebu region of the central Philippines. Here we will dive with whale sharks, should encounter schooling hammerheads, and see more nudibranchs and critters that you can imagine. Cost including up to five dives and day and night dives and all meals is $2,660.
On Saturday November 30 we disembark and head to the Crystal Blue Resort in Anilao for five or six more days of diving with some awesome guides and photographers OR you can hope off in Manila to catch a flight back to the US. The Anilao add on stay is about $929 and includes four dives per day and all meals.
If you want more details and really want to go please contact me asap as we only have a few more weeks to fill up the spots. I can be reached at or at 954-415-4215. Carl

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