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New York Underwater Photographic Society August meeting
Event Date Tue, August 13, 2013 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Event Location 384 3rd Ave, New York, NY
Event Price 0
Contact Information Note date change | More Info
The ocean is a-splash with a pallet of colors, but sometimes the delicate shades of black and white can provide the most powerful underwater photographs.

At the August NYUPS meeting, we will be celebrating the beauty of black and white images. All guests will be invited to share 8-10 of their favorite black and white shots, and share with the group the stories that went into capturing them. As with past events, we’ll have an informal discussion on the images while we have some eats and some drinks at the Arctica Bar and Grill. All are welcomed.

The ideal size of each landscape orientation image is 10” wide x 7.5” high – no larger. If an image is portrait, the image should be no more than 7.5” high x whatever width (certainly less than 10”.)

All images should be 72 DPI, or pixels per inch, and .JPG files. If you would like to submit videos, please bring them to the meeting as Quicktime files on a flash drive, CD or DVD.

In your email, on the subject line please type in caps “NYUPS IMAGES: MACRO.” Please email all your images to Joseph Tepper at and CC Larry Cohen at

Please submit images before August 4. Any images submitted after that cannot be included. You will receive a confirmation of the receipt of your images. If you don’t, please contact Larry or Joe.

A reminder – this is not a competition. The idea is to share photos that you think will help others and yourself learn. It might even be helpful to try and recall the camera settings, whether you have a compact or big ol’ SLR. We look forward to seeing your images and sharing food and drink with you at Artctica Bar & Grill On Tuesday, August 6th!


August 6th 2013
7-9 PM


Arcitca Bar and Grill
384 Third Ave.
Between 27 and 28

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