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SDI Advanced Adventure Diver
Event Date Thu, August 1, 2013 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Event Location 480 Rt 17 North, Paramus, New Jersey
Event Price $249.95
Contact Information 201.261.8700 | More Info
You’re a certified Open Water SCUBA Diver and now you’re ready to expand your knowledge but you’d like to see what’s out there first. Our Advanced Adventure Diver Course will give you an overview of five selected advanced specialties.

This course is intended to introduce you to Advanced Diving Specialties and not complete comprehension of the chosen specialty.One (1) dive from each of the chosen specialties may apply towards that distinct specialty certification.

Get it done in one weekend

Two Days, Five Dives and Lots of Fun

Two of the core specialties are Deep Diving and Navigation Diving, which are the foundation of continuing diver education.

The remaining specialties include

- Wreck Diving

- Night Diving

- Advanced Buoyancy Control

- Shore Diving

- Marine Ecosystem Awareness

- Many More!

Curse fee includes:

  1. SDI eLearning on-line academics
  2. Five Instructor lead, Certification Dives
  3. Certification Card (upon successful completion)
Pay Now $249.95

Equipment not included (rentals available)