DAN is offering the third year of the bimonthly diving
medicine/research/safety lecture series. The program helps us expand our
dialogue with local divers and facilitate our continuing efforts to
develop new talks.
This month’s lecture
"Managing DCS in Remote Locations" will be given by Dr. Nicholas Bird.
Synopsis of Lecture: Decompression sickness often occurs in remote
locations. In such environments, treatment options and local expertise
may be lacking. This presentation covers a description of decompression
sickness, diagnostic criteria and treatment options, and factors that
may help guide decisions about treatment versus evacuation.
The DAN Lecture Series is held bimonthly on the first Wednesday of every other month, 7:00-8:30 p.m.
Doors will open at 6:15 p.m. for a pre-event social, and light
refreshments will be served. The presentation begins at 7 p.m. and will
last approximately 45-55 minutes. A 30-minute question-and-answer
session will follow.
Admission to the lecture is free, and no registration is required.
We hope you will join us for this special evening — we’ll see you on Wednesday, April 3!
Upcoming Lectures in the Series:- June 5: "The Heart in Diving" presented by Dr. Petar Denoble
- August 7: "Critical Thinking of Post-Dive Symptoms" presented by Dr. Matias Nochetto