Nowhere else can you find the quality & style of photo friendly diving and you can’t miss this great opportunity to meet, learn from and dive with Cathy herself. She is a legend in underwater photography; having received every award the industry has to give. She is first and foremost a teacher, generously offering her 44+ years of knowledge and experience to every student—no matter what their level or equipment. She taught the coaches who will be assisting you, so you can expect excellent instruction from them as well. Cathy is a photographer and she knows what you want – bottom time, bottom time and more bottom time on sites that are pretty, interesting, fun, and photogenic. On the shallow dive days, you can stay down for OVER TWO HOURS!! Even on days when there is a stunning wall dive, you can use your computer and your nitrox to get maximum time for the wall dive and often 90 minutes on the shallow second dive.