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40 Fathom Grotto Advanced Dive
Event Date Sat, February 2, 2013 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Event Location 9481 Northwest 115th Avenue, Ocala, FL
Event Price $65.00
Contact Information or 727-278-6540

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Category: Dive Trip
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YOU MUST RSVP for this event & be approved! This is an advanced dive site.
Lets Dive 40 Fathom Grotto and celebrate another year for Michael!! Michael’s birthday is Feb 3rd so this is day1 of a 2 part weekend.

40 Fathom Grotto is 40 fathoms deep!! Making one of the deepest recreational diving sites in our area. This site is not open to the general public. To dive this site you must be with a permitted shop and an instructor that has dive guide privileges there. Good Roll Model Inc - Diving and both Michael and Felicia obtained these rights and have many dives logged at 40 Fathom Grotto

We can have you ready by then if you wish to obtain these certifications. Let us know asap :-) We look forward to diving with you all

Lets dive peeps :-) Have you dove 40 Fathom Grotto yet?
We better get that fixed :-) You have and you wanna go back? Let’s fix that!

This is not a dive for just anyone! You must ask before you say yes or be invited!! You need lights!

There will be 3 dives.
The first in the morning DEEP ONLY
snack + surface time
The second 1 group in OW recreational limits another group Deep
Lunch + + surface time
The third in OW recreational limits (Goal!! Find Gnome Village!)
Pack up and leave :-(
I must reserve space for us. I need a head count ASAP only so many are allowed in the Grotto at a time :-)

Site fee $65.00
Rental Equipment if needed $60.00 (includes 3 tanks/2EAN & 1AIR, BCD & Air Delivery System~~~Weights, Wetsuit, computer, fins, mask, lights are all available at an additional cost

There are HOT SHOWERS on the grounds so be sure you have everything you need

Some quick facts about Forty Fathom Grotto:

From what geologic epoch do most of the Grotto’s fossils assumed to date, and how long ago was that?.

The fossils embedded in the walls surrounding the Grotto date from the Eocene epoch, approximately 30 million years ago.

To put that in perspective, 30 million years is roughly:

10,000 times as long as recorded human history.
375,000 human lifetimes.
Twice as long as Strom Thurmond served in the United States Senate.

No matter how you cut it, that’s a very long time.


The Grotto is what geologists refer to as an in-line sinkhole. It
formed centuries ago when the earth collapsed above an underground

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