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Seoul International Sports & Leisure Industry Show (KUSPO)
Event Date Thu, February 21, 2013 - Sun, February 24, 2013
Event Location Seoul, Undefined, Korea, Republic Of
The Seoul International Sports & Leisure Industry Show(SPOEX) began its first show in 2001 at COEX, located in the center of Seoul. Since the first show, the number of participants has grown continuously as you can see below in the statistics. In 2012, the 12th SPOEX attracted 380 exhibitors from all over the world including Korea, China, Japan, other Asian countries, North America and Europe. As a UFI-approved event, SPOEX has dedicated to the rapid growth of Korean sports & leisure business. The Ministry of Knowledge Economy of Korea also has guaranteed the quality of the show by nominating SPOEX as a Promising Exhibition for 6 consecutive years. The increasing number of participants proves that SPOEX is the representative exhibition of Sports & leisure industry. According to the growing interests, SPOEX is expanding its scale and arranging various sports events for exhibitors and visitors. SPOEX will keep aiming high to improve the sports & leisure industry and to provide a better business environment for both participants and visitors. Welcome to the SPOEX2013, where you can move to the next level of Sports & leisure industry.

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