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Oil Rig Dive from Freeport, Texas
Event Date Sun, July 22, 2012
Event Location 79 Dolphin St, Freeport, TX
Event Price $265
Contact Information Sea Sports Scuba, The Woodlands, Texas | More Info

Jen_Jen - View Member Calendar
Category: Dive Trip
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Plan on making two separate dives on either a wreck or oil platform/oil rig (pictured above). Oil rigs and or wrecks are essentially artificial reefs. The underwater structure of an oil rig located in 100 feet of water adds 2 - 4 acres of hard surface to the water column. They are covered with barnacles, encrusting sponges, bryzoans, and white hydroid or ivory coral and literally attract thousands of various types of marine life. With the typical 50 to 80 foot visibility you can expect to see large schools of plate sized spade fish, colorful angelfish, dolphins, rays, barracuda, amberjacks, groupers and occasionally whale sharks to name a few. These day trips have a departure time of 10:00 a.m. and we typically return between 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. Please be at the dock by 9:30 a.m..

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