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Monday, May 28th, 8:30 AM Moss St (Shore Dive) (Laguna Beach, CA) (NBTT Group Event)
Event Date Mon, May 28, 2012 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Event Location 2191 Ocean Way, Laguna Beach, CA
Event Price FREE
Contact Information RSVP on here | More Info


Conditions Expected: No Surf, Low Tide

Tired of armchair diving / boat diving, and weekly restaurant meetings, get out and actually dive... with us, NBTT Divers "No Beach Too Tough" Visit us at for more information.

Since this is an exploratory site, please check for last minute updates on facebook for change of site if conditions are not ideal.

2nd Attempt - This time conditions look solidly calm for this exploratory trip. This is a new site we have not tried yet so we are going to check it out and hopefully it will be another popular site for mid-week night dives. It is the cove south of Woods.

It is similar to Woods cove but narrower and rockier entry.

Here is a link with additional information on the site:

Here is another good source of information regarding Moss from SouthCoast divers:​bsp;The surf forecast showing 2 ft surf and relatively light swell from the south. This could be the start of the southern swell which will divert us back to a favorite spot Honeymoon Cove!


Lukas78 - 5/23/2012 12:02 AM
Im going to Anacapa with Steve on Sunday and most likely will make it there on Mon8:30 is doable LOL
Tromptista - 5/23/2012 7:59 AM
You guys lucked out and will miss that huge swell that hits over next few days. Have a good trip save some energy for beach diving with us!

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