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Sunday, May 13th, 7:00 AM Laguna: Deadmans/Crescent Bay
Event Date Sun, May 13, 2012 7:00 AM - 9:30 AM
Event Location Laguna Beach, CA
Event Price FREE
Contact Information RSVP on here | More Info

Tromptista - View Member Calendar
Category: Dive Trip
Comments: 5


Name of this site? Crescent Bay (Backup will be Shaws Cove if surf is up) (Laguna Beach) (Shore Entry)
Conditions Expected: 2 - 3 ft surf, High moving to Low tide at 11:00 AM. Warmer water low to mid 60’s!
We will decide beforehand and/or while kicking out if will do just crescent reef or deadmans.

Please check for last minute change of site update on facebook.

Want to join NBTT - Visit for more information.
What you will see? Sculpin, Lobsters, Eels, Sand bass, some Sheep head, Scallops, garibaldi, sting ray, bat rays, sea lions.
Site Hazards: Occasional high and short interval surf.
What you can take? Laguna Marine Protected Area, not allowed to take any marine life.
How you get there? See directions above.
Facilities? Restroom, Drinking Fountain and Showers at Crescent, No Facilities at Shaws
Emergency Information? Laguna Beach Fire Department: (949) 497-0700


JMartin - 5/08/2012 7:28 PM
Conditions should be good! We need to be on time, remember it’s Mothers Day!
Tromptista - 5/08/2012 3:50 PM
I think me and Javy might try doubles / a side mount configuration we are building after yesterdays demo day at PADI.
Rich-D-Fish - 5/08/2012 7:10 PM
Can I watch you do an entry at OML with that setup? I’ll bring my camera for AFHV ;-)
JMartin - 5/08/2012 7:17 PM
Who said anything about OML :-)
lvh2o_2010 - 5/08/2012 1:54 PM

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