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Wednesday, 7 PM Night Dive Vets Park
Event Date Wed, March 14, 2012 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM
Event Location S Catalina Ave, Redondo Beach, CA
Event Price Parking Metered ($1.00 per hour?)
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Tromptista - View Member Calendar
Category: Dive Trip
Comments: 6


Night Dive next to Redondo Beach Pier, metered parking at Veterans Park.
Conditions Expected: Low Tide 9 PM, 2 - 3 ft surf, Possible 6-8ft Viz or less (from some reports)
Popular weekly dive site for other local dive group the dive vets (
Unique underwater desert with marine life not seen in the kelp forests.

Level of Skill: Advanced Recommended or Deep Diving Experience
(more interesting parts of dive site are deep 80 - 90 ft )
When to Dive: Low or High Tide (lower surf recommended)
What you may see: Pipefish, sting rays, crabs, this time of year Squid possible, guitar fish.
Site Hazards: Watch for dip at begging of the entry, Watch for pedestrians and bicyclists before crossing pathway. Can be very cold past 30 ft usually a thermocline.
Facilities: Bathroom, Drinking Fountain, Shower


Tromptista - 3/15/2012 10:01 AM
We all survived last nights dive and as far as Vets, it only goes up from there. We were able to see and play around in the crustacean sandbox for a bit. Kudos to Anthony and Tony D for a new milestone dive he did great with the conditions. Maybe the intense swell and surf will blow away all the phyto plankton that are mucking up our diving right now.
tmncali - 3/15/2012 10:48 AM
It was a dive.........but what was the milestone for me? It was nice to dive with you guys.
Tromptista - 3/16/2012 8:50 AM
Had you been in worse conditions then those before :-) That is what I call Macro Diving (a California specialty)
tmncali - 3/14/2012 1:55 PM
this still happening?
Tromptista - 3/14/2012 2:33 PM
Yup, we are still going. Conditions might be bad though as in 5 ft viz so might be a short kick around the sand.
JMartin - 3/14/2012 2:40 PM
we shall see!! Haha

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