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Wednesday, 7 PM Night Dive Woods Cove, Laguna Beach
Event Date Wed, December 28, 2011 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM
Event Location 1907 Ocean Way, Laguna Beach, CA
Event Price Please tip your car pool driver :-)
Contact Information RSVP on here / Me or Javy for Questions | More Info

Tromptista - View Member Calendar
Category: Dive Trip
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Conditions Expected: Low Surf 1-3 ft, Low moving to High Tide 12:40 AM
Meet down there about 6:45 PM or my house (Marco) at 5:30 PM.
Get your last fill on hunting in Laguna because after Saturday it will be a no take area forever.Level of Skill: Intermediate (Highly Recommended) and/or Night Dive Experience.
Depth of Location: 30-40 feet (most reef shallower)
When to Dive: At High or Low Tide (with 1 - 2 ft surf max)What you may find: Lobster, Sheep Head, Sand Bass, Octopus, Leopard Sharks, Guitar Fish, Crabs, Scallops, Abalone.Site Hazards: Dip in sand in the surf zone. Heavy to Moderate Surge is common here.Site Facilities: None
Park near the north stairs for closer entry.
Emergency Contact Information: Laguna Fire Department 949.497.0700

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