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Philippine Dive Travel Night
Event Date Wed, November 9, 2011
Event Location Pleasanton, CA
Event Price FREE
Contact Information Jody Ward | More Info



Philippine Dive Travel Night
Looking for a fabulous scuba dive vacation in 2012?

Then say "Mabuhay!" and come to the Philippine dive travel night this Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. in Pleasanton, CA.

We will have a travel agent with details of our March 2012 trip to Atlantis Dive Resort, Puerto Galera and the Philippine Tourism Board to answer questions.

Come and see all the Atlantis Resort has to offer. View a video of Philippine diving as well as a video tour of the Atlantis Dive Resort.

There will be plenty of information about other destinations and there will be time to get all of your travel questions answered.

If you are interested in scuba dive travel, you don’t want to miss this event.

Fun, food and information:
Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2011
1032 Serpentine Lane , Pleasanton

Questions: 925-899-5946 or