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Honeymoon Cove
Event Date Sun, September 4, 2011
Event Location Palos Verdes Estates, CA
Event Price 000
Contact Information

ken28730 - View Member Calendar
Category: Dive Trip
Comments: 10


Honeymoon Cove

Location: 2812 Paseo Del Mar
Palos Verdes Estate, CA 90247
Contact info: message here or SMS 310-634-9844

Time: meet at 8:30AM, splash at 9:30AM
Weather: 1-2ft surf, mid tide @ 8AM, high tide @ 3PM
Depth: 30-40
Visibility: 20ft average, sometime 50+
Site: Free street parking, no facility, steep hike, rocky entry with some surface swim, marine life similar to Catalina.
Note: 2 dives. Bring plenty of water and some snack or lunch.

Click here for:Tidal Chart, Surf Report, More Info.

Point A: Street parking on Paseo Del Mar
Point B: Steep trail leading to the beach
Point C: Dive entry, rocky
Point D: Beginning of the reef, heading South-West after descending


ken28730 - 9/04/2011 9:49 AM
7:40am Honeymoon Cove currently sees 0-1 ft surf Condition is a GO lol
Lukas78 - 9/04/2011 1:38 AM
Thanks for that.........
ken28730 - 9/03/2011 2:39 AM
Ok, I will be there sometime before 7:30am to check on the condition and text everybody whether to continue with the dive or not. So don’t leave your house until you get my update on the condition.
Tromptista - 9/02/2011 3:51 PM
You guys be careful on Sunday, looks like this south swell might be significant enough to shake up Honeymoon.. Saw crazy pictures of 20 ft waves at the wedge!
ken28730 - 9/02/2011 12:14 AM
Alright then, 8:30 it is.

I think so too. Honeymoon condition doesn’t change much during Summer.

Still, meeting early sounds good, so we can have the rest of the day in case the surf is big lol
lvh2o_2010 - 9/01/2011 9:14 PM

I say meet at 8:30 and splash at 9:30, I hate rocks, you guys know that,, I have to agree with Javy that Honeymoon is pretty much the same at either high or low tide.

With two dives scheduled, getting started earlier would be good for me, The IE, 909 diver (long drive for those reading and not aware of the IE, 909 area).
JMartin - 9/01/2011 8:07 PM
Before you decide to bring a Steel 200, wait til we have a Chiropractic Diver on site Haha :-)
JMartin - 9/01/2011 6:50 PM

Yeah Ken , I agree with your splash time, but then again Honeymoon seems to be descent any time. DIVE SAFE! see all you guys in a week!

Tromptista - 9/01/2011 5:01 PM
Nobody bring any steel 200 tanks! j/k
Have a nice dive guys I miss Honeymoon already. I will be out of town this weekend. Enjoy the holiday weekend!
ken28730 - 9/01/2011 2:19 PM

Richard on facebook asking if anyone wants to meet at 8am and splash at 9am. It’s low-mid tide at 8am, not very favorable, that’s why I was thinking about going a little later, splash at 11am for the mid-high tide.

So, let me know what you guys think. If needed, we’ll change the time to earlier.