Travel on Thursday, Aug 25 to Key Largo accommodations at Marina Del Mar (double occupancy)
Dive on Friday Aug. 26 4 Dives - (2 morning, 2 afternoon)
Dive on Saturday Aug 27 4 Dives - (2 morning, 2 afternoon)
Key Largo Dive Sites- Dependent on weather conditions: Spiegel Grove Ship 50-100 ft., or Benwood Shipwreck 25-45 ft., USS Duane 70-120ft., and USS Bibb 80-130 ft., Coast Guard Cutters, Christ of the Abyss Statue 15-40 ft., French Reef 20-45 ft., Molasses 10-60 ft., City of Washington Shipwreck 25-40 ft., these are just a few of the dive locations.
Leave Key Largo on Saturday Aug. 27 after dives.
Arrive in Key West Saturday night to check in Lexington Motel (double occupancy)
Dive on Sunday Aug. 28 4 dives-(2 morning, 2afternoon)
Key West Dive sites- Dependent on weather conditions: Vandenberg-the newest artificial reef and where SEAduction Dive Services has a plaque on the bridge. Dive outside of the sanctuary for lobster.
In the evenings join us in Key West on Duval Street for the night life Saturday and Sunday evenings.
Travel home on Monday, Aug 29
A price for the trip and the Dive Charters is determined by how many attend. So call your diving buddies for a great adventure in the most beautiful of dive locations.
Key Largo 8 dives for approximately $75 each including lodging = $600
Key West 4 dives for approximately $95 each including lodging = $380
Food and beverages will be provided on the dive charters.
You will be responsible for your "land" food, drink and sundry items before and after dives.
Call if you need to share a ride or room. 910-892-7878