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NBTT Family Day at Crescent Bay (Laguna) - 8 AM
Event Date Sun, July 24, 2011
Event Location Laguna Beach (Crescent Bay), CA
Event Price FREE - Bring Grub

Tromptista - View Member Calendar
Category: Dive Trip
Comments: 4



All day event o f hanging out, mingling with fellow divers and of course diving (if conditions) are okay. Last year we did 3 shore dives in one day at Crescent.

Time: 8 AM ( getting there early before there is no parking)

TIDE: High Tide: 9:41 AM

Conditions: TBD

Link to additional information about the site:


Tromptista - 7/29/2011 5:43 PM
Dive Recap - Dive 1 - Group # 2 - Deadmans - Viz: 30 feet on outer side of the reef, Bottom Time: 55 minutes, Depth: 45 ft, Temp: 65, Buddies: Javy, Steve, Chris, Marco, Mike Large Eel, lobsters, guitar fish, sea lion, one of best dives at crescent. Dive Recap - Dive 2 - Seal Rock - Viz: 12-15 feet Bottom Time: 55 minutes, Depth: 40 ft, Temp: 65, Buddies: Javy, Steve, Chris, Marco, Mike, Tom, Not nearly as good as the 1st dive but still nice viz. Lots of fish feeding action. Dive# 3 Pierre, JJ, Tom and Javy 42ft 35min. Viz 15ft no surge, two good size bat rays swam by me and Tom highlight of dive
hcdiveteambrian - 7/22/2011 3:49 PM

Would love to go, but we’re tight on time so a part of HCDT has to settle for 3 dives in 40’+ viz at old Marineland Long Point! Have a blast down there! Black sea bass hangin out around the main beaches and south. We seen one in Feb at Bird Rock!! Ok anyone that can’t make it all the way to Laguna, back up plan at OML 8:00am Saturday!!
Tromptista - 7/22/2011 3:11 PM
Here is the grub update so far -

Marco (Melissa) - Sandwiches , Cupcakes

Javy (Teresa) - Sandwiches, Macaroni Salad

Mike - Paper Plates, Utensils, Napkins

Jim (Charlene) - Chips

Steve - Soda

Pierre - Chips / Soda

Ken - Other Desserts 

Everyone else please bring some additional sodas, chips, anything else you can think of. Looks like will be a great day for diving, hot day, warm water, good viz, and good company...

See you all there!
RockPro - 7/21/2011 6:06 PM
Good chance I’m not diving.. bringing along the boy, but coming for the hang!