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Sunday, 7:00 AM Christmas Tree Cove
Event Date Sun, July 3, 2011
Event Location Palos Verdes, CA

Tromptista - View Member Calendar
Category: Dive Trip
Comments: 2
Good Conditions expected in P.V. and Christmas Tree with 12:30 AM (High Tide) and 1.5 ft surf.
One of the best dives in SoCal
Directions:  I-110 South, Exit PCH go right, Left onto Calle Mayor, Left onto Palos Verdes Blvd , Right onto Paseo Lunado, left via anacapa, Right Paseo del Mar, entry point is near 2999 Paseo Del MarYou’ll see the park on your right.


Tromptista - 7/04/2011 9:30 AM

Dive Recap -

Bottom Time: 60 Minutes

Depth: 44 Feet

Visibility: 12-15 feet (25 feet in some spots on edge of kelp)

Water Temp: Warm above 30 feet, 56 deeper.

Surf: 1-2 feet

Light Surge

Very low tide due to the new moon making for a careful entry. Lots of fish of all types, several large sheep head. Due to heavier surge in the 15-20 ft depth headed out toward middle of the cove and found some very cool large pinnacles. 

JMartin - 6/28/2011 7:14 PM

Lets see what kind of condition I’m in from Pierre’s wedding???