Sunday June 19th 2011, a place to get a good rinse on delicate dive gear, computers, cameras, etc. is nestled up on the Northern edge of the San Gabriel Mountain range, called Littlerock Dam Reservoir. If you want to go with someone who’s been there, I’m shooting for 10:00am. No ground swells, tides, surf. Sometimes slight breeze swells of 6 inches. If you go with someone else who hasn’t been there, the conditions are a thickening and warming algae layer of 30ft vis in it bout 1-2ft.Get just below the thermocline water clears up to 10-15ft of 45 degree water. Along the back side of the res is all rock some bass holding trees. The road side is steep drop diving but not rock with lots of trees. Towards the inlet side of the res there’s submerged picnic areas, vis also is a bit better it seems maybe due to the light reflection in the flatter terrain. If you plan deep dives, KNOW altitude conservative conversions. Bring complete dive lights.