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Event Date Wed, June 8, 2011
Event Location SEAduction Dive Services, NC
Event Price $175
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Deep Diver:

Why SSI Deep Diver?
Dive in places where only a few have explored before! Get the experience of diving on a wreck below 100 feet/30 meters! To do these dives safely, you need the right skills and the right knowledge and that is exactly what DEEP DIVING provides you.

Without proper training this kind of diving is an uncontrollable safety risk. To plan your dives properly you must first know about all of the potential risks involved in DEEP DIVING. SSIs DEEP DIVING course will provide you with the skills, knowledge and experience required to make these types of dives safely and comfortably. 

You can count the Deep Adventure Dive from your Adventures In Diving program as the first dive of the Specialty course (at instructors discretion) which counts as one of five Specialty certifications required to achieve Master Scuba Diver Status.

What do I need to start?
SSI Adventure Diver certification (or qualifying certification from another organization)
Minimum age: 15 years old

What will I do?
You’ll learn deep dive planning, organization, procedures, techniques and hazards. You’ll also put this knowledge to the test as you go on four open water dives that range from 18 – 40 meters / 60 – 130 feet.