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Dive trip to South Jersey
Event Date Sun, August 16, 2009 - Sat, August 22, 2009
Event Location South Jersey, NJ
Event Price No Cost

PV01 - View Member Calendar
Category: Dive Trip
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I’ll be vacationing in Cape May next week and would like to schedule a dive in the Strathmere, Avalon/Sea Isle City or another dive location. A few dive locations I’ve resreached include the Deauville Inn (Strathmere) and the Townsland Inlet (Avalon). The Deauville Inn site is known as premier bottle dive site of South NJ and is abundent of marine life in depths 10-25 feet. The Townsland Inlet is listed as a good jetty divesite with beach access. The jetty is spread out amongst the rocks onthe sea floor vs. a solid jetty.

I’m open to scheduling a dive on any of the listed days depending on the tide tables and weather conditions.

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