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Dive trip to Summersville
Event Date Sun, June 7, 2009
Event Location Summersville, WV
Event Price Tank Fills

charstew - View Member Calendar
Category: Dive Trip
Comments: 1
Short Notice last Minute but that’s just the way we roll.. Off to Summersvile Lake for a Beach Dive if enough people come we will grab a boat. Meeting at the Beach swimming area. Vis is suppose to be 30 feet and thermo down to 59 degrees at 45’. At max it is 40 degrees at 200’ no worries we will be shallow at 45 to 60. I hate cold water! Sarges Dive shop rents 6 mils for 12 bucks per day. Let me know I have never posted my mumber but oh well 304-532-2935 call me in the morning I go to bed early but I get up early too. This will be a fun trip. We had fun yesterday at Circleville the vis was about 8’ and temp a lowest was 69.. Yes I dove a skin.... : ) I will be in a hood with my stay puff mashmallow man gloves.... LOL


charstew - 6/06/2009 10:14 PM
We will be at the beach swimming area which is across from sarges dive shop. Look for Hobie or Bill I drive a Black Hummer H3 and Hobie drives a brown Dodge Durango. If you decide to come just show up and we will let Sarges Dive shop know exactly where we will be. Bring the kids too my 9 and 11 boys will be wild and armed with fishing poles. We may kick back and spend the night but I will have to book it home for soccer camp.. Call me my phone will be on the beach with Hobie’s wife. 304-532-2935