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Dive trip to Wreck Alley
Event Date Sat, October 4, 2008 - Sun, October 5, 2008
Event Location Wreck Alley, Arizona/ California
Event Price $249.00 pp/dbl

NDepthScuba - View Member Calendar
Category: Dive Trip
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San Diego Wreck Alley - Dive on the Yukon and Ruby E Trip includes: Round trip transportation on N Depth Scuba bus 1 night lodging at the San Diego Comfort Inn near the harbor Free gear rental for this trip !!! 2-tank dive on the Yukon and the Ruby E These are cooler water dives (52 to 57 degree water) and they are deeper dives. Check this off your list of "To Do" dives...these are great dives! Reserve your spot today @ or call 480-899-DIVE (3483)