PB2Y Coranado
off Ebeye Island, Kwajaien, Marshall Islands
Average Viz: 101-110ft/31-34m
Aquatic Life: Might See Something
PB2Y Coranado is a salt water dive site, located in off Ebeye Island, Kwajaien, Marshall Islands. The average visibility is 101-110ft/31-34m.

On the morning of February 12, 1945 a PB2Y-5R Coronado was making its approach to the seadrome at Naval Air Base Ebeye Island, at Kwajalein Atoll. On landing, the plane nosed in and the nose and all four engines were torn from the fuselage. The main portion of the aircraft remained afloat and was taken under tow and grounded near the small seaplane ramp on Ebeye. The accident resulted in two personnel being listed as missing in action- Lieutenant Harold A. Bowman, who was a member of the flight crew, and Lieutenant Commander Samuel O. Givens, Jr. who was flying as a passenger on the plane