Shark River Artifcial Reef
Manasquan, NJ
Max Depth: 131-140ft/40-43m
Entry Type: Boat
Bottom Composition: Rock
Aquatic Life: Might See Something
Spring: 56-60°F/13-16°C
Summer: 66-70°F/19-21°C
Fall: 50-55°F/10-13°C
Winter: Under 50°F/10°C
Shark River Artifcial Reef is a boat accessible salt water dive site, located in Manasquan, NJ. The maximum depth is 131-140ft/40-43m.
From Wiki; Shark River Reef is an artificial reef located in the Atlantic Ocean, 15.6 miles southeast of Manasquan Inlet, off the coast of Ocean County, New Jersey.[1] The site contains almost 4 million cubic yards of dredge rock material. Although 96% of the total reef material is rock, the site also contains numerous subway cars.[2]
It is the deepest of all New Jersey’s artificial reefs, having an average bottom depth of approximately 125’.[3] The site is located near Stolt Dagali wreck (rammed and sunk in 1964 by the SS Shalom).[3]
The site contains at least nine vessels, including five tankers.
The Shark River Reef was established as part of the New Jersey’s Artificial Reef Program. It is administered by the State of New Jersey’s Division of Fish and Wildlife.[1]
November 19, 2014
The NJDEP Division of Fish and Wildlife is notifying boaters, recreational and commercial fishermen and divers that thirty-six thousand cubic yards of dredge rock obtained from the Port Authority of NY & NJ, Howland Hook Marine Terminal Berth Deepening Project, will be deployed on the Shark River Reef Site beginning November 24 through December 31, 2014. The shale rock will be transported to the site and deployed by hopper scow at predetermined locations.
In total, 10 hopper scow loads of rock will be deployed on the reef site as part of the division’s Artificial Reef Program.
During construction, tugs will be pulling large barges of shale bedrock. Work on the site will be continuous so boaters must constantly be aware of the reduced maneuverability of these tugs and allow them the right-of-way.
Adding rock to the ocean floor provides much needed hard-structure habitat for fish, lobster and other marine life. The rocky ridges will become attachment surfaces for invertebrate marine life, such as mussels, barnacles, sponges and anemones, and will provide hiding places for bottom-dwelling species like sea bass, blackfish, crab and lobster. The shale rock ridges will create productive fishing grounds for centuries to come.
The Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) coordinates of the Shark River Reef Site corners are as follows:
NE 40 07.330’ 73 41.080’
NW 40 07.330’ 73 41.800’
SE 39 40.200’ 73 41.080’
SW 40 06.200’ 73 41.800’

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