Port Hunter
Martha’s Vineyard, MA
Max Depth: 71-80ft/22-24m
Entry Type: Boat
Bottom Composition: Sand
Aquatic Life: Might See Something
Spring: 50-55°F/10-13°C
Summer: 56-60°F/13-16°C
Fall: 50-55°F/10-13°C
Winter: Under 50°F/10°C
Port Hunter is a boat accessible salt water dive site, located in Martha’s Vineyard, MA. The maximum depth is 71-80ft/22-24m.
41-29-43N / 70-33-15W
From ScubaDiving Magazine; Barely a 15-minute boat ride from Falmouth or the Vineyard, Port Hunter is the largest intact wreck in Vineyard Sound. Loaded down with war supplies—from wool uniforms to railroad equipment—the 380-foot supply freighter never made its transatlantic haul to England in November of 1918. A hole in her port bow inflicted by the tug Covington sent the Hunter to the 60-foot sandy bottom of Hedge Fence Shoal within hours of the collision. The armistice ending World War I was signed before the month ended, and the ship was left intact where she lay.
While much of the spoils have long since been raised, the pipe-like deck gun, bolted down through three decks, cranes out over the stern, a reminder that German U-boats haunted Atlantic supply routes during both World Wars. A few phosphorus bombs that look like white bathroom tiles may still exist in the interior near the stern and should not be handled. Once topside and dry, they catch fire easily.
A counterclockwise sweep of the Hunter provides the optimal dive plan. Sloping from her bow at 25 feet to a depth of 80 at the stern, the Hunter is mostly intact, but in an advanced state of deterioration. Pockets of warm water pushed inland during summer by the Gulf Stream deposit Caribbean tropicals such as angelfish and groupers alongside tautog, striped bass and cunners.
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