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Scuba Articles > Andy-overboard > Personal
How seaweed can save a vegetarian
Andy-overboard - 9/10/2007 12:49 AM
another preface! I really have nothing against vegetarians...honest, but it was too much fun to take a look at a book of pacific coast seaweeds and compose a little note. How seaweed can save a vegetarian The great thing for my dive buddy Jesse being a vegetarian diver is that he needs he has everything that he needs for food, clothing, letting that feminine side or managing a number of personal problems that could arise while diving in our waters. For his main course Jesse might choose a little...
Randon thoughts of a mind with a surface narcosis
Andy-overboard - 9/10/2007 12:44 AM
Given that this blog is one that I placed on a local tech diving site in the PNW it may take a little explanation. My dive buddy recently became a issue there...just in case you were wondering. But he could not make it on this specific dive so I chose to dive with `Harvey`. I was diving at a site in Washington on the Hood Canal called Sund Rock. The temp at depth is 50 degrees all year round. I just moved to Tempe Arizona for work...a hard move for a diver and sailor from the PNW...