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Scuba Articles > DJLGary > Other
Whale Shark Sighting in Koh Tao Thailand Whale Shark Sighting in Koh Tao Thailand
DJLGary - 5/02/2007 12:00 AM
Whale Shark Season Hits Koh Tao. Over the last six weeks we`ve enjoyed great diving conditions on the islands, pinnacles and wrecks around Koh Tao. Visibility has been in the 20 - 30 metres range, plus seas have been mostly flat. But even better - we`ve had an enormous number of whale shark sightings throughout this period! Most of the sightings have been of whale sharks up to 5 - 6 metres in length, i.e. juvenile specimins, frequently seen around the more isolated sites such as the Chumphon Pin...