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Scuba Articles > ToysForTots > Press Release
2008 DiveBuddy Toys For Tots Event
ToysForTots - 12/29/2008 11:45 AM
In December, 2008...dozens of events where held by members of to raise toys for children. 100’s of toys were donated to Toys For Tots or other similar charities. As scuba divers, we usually help save the oceans and protect the sharks, but this year we also helped little future divers. Many of the toys were ocean or scuba related. Thank you to everyone involved, especially the organizers and dive retailers that made it all possible. Next year we’ll do it even bigger and better! Here... & Scuba Divers Help Toys For Tots & Scuba Divers Help Toys For Tots
ToysForTots - 10/17/2008 11:54 AM
Scuba divers help save the oceans and protect sharks, now we’re also helping our children. This year, members of and scuba divers from around the world will participate in a one day event on November 15th to raise toys for the Toys For Tots foundation, a non-profit organization managed by the U.S. Marine Corps. A day of diving OR a simple meet & greet will be organized by local event planners in many different locations around the world. Toys will be collected and donated to the ne...